I can understand why someone operating such a service would wish to keep some words off-limits. There wasn't much interest in rebuking the censorship when I rarely ran into it so I just moved along changing my prompting. At some point I became interested in how Dall-E and CompVis Latent Diffusion would handle still giving me clearly non-pornographic images so I tested the system slowly, beginning with "hard core potato graphy" and escalating it to the full phrase "hardcore potatography", then trying to apply it as a styling to other subjects.
What I was looking for was kind of potatoing effect. If I could say something was potatoed I would have success. I was hopeful the system would at least recognize my prompt as a potato-styling - it would just return noise if it didn't understand, but a potato style might lend a kind of innocuousness to defeat the imagery lent by [Redacted]. In the end I managed some potatoing people, for better or for worse.
All images on this page were created from text-to-image, computer-generated imagery by text prompt using Craiyon (Dall-E mini) or CompVis Latent Diffusion.

After a few attempts and noticing nothing offensive I went ahead with an application, something like "wild life photo of hardcore potatography" and then moved on to other subjects.

"hardcore potatography", ambient lighting, smoothed gradients, detailed

"hardcore potatography" at business meeting, intense visual simplification

When using just the bare term I kept getting only texts, it became reinforced that hardcore potatography needed a scene to be present in.
hardcore potatography

But first I needed to see potatography on its own. The following were an "uncored" potatographic, and so the potato was better represented. Hi potatoes!

I kept going and well here is a spooky photo that potatography of a cat returned. A bit dark for me.

In the end ...
There is William-Adolphe Bouguereau and I was fairly unfamiliar with them; I saw some toga folks while looking into styling and I had tried using the style transfer earlier and kept getting half naked people. I didn't want half naked people, but I did want the sense of nudity, for the symbolic value of skin representing a kind of vulnerability that I felt potatoing would promote abstractly.
So I applied it here, later on, in respect to hardcore potatography, which surely was a kind of risk. Seeing these individuals as potatoed together, just having fun being in a big lumpy pile, is a welcome alternative to all the other ways one could view it.
"hardcore potatography" as William-Adolphe Bouguereau oil painting